
Calling all IC patients! We’re looking for volunteers for our 2013 IC Awareness Month campaign

Calling all IC patients! Just because you have IC doesn't mean you don't have a voice. If anything, your voice desperately needs to be heard! We're looking for motivated patients who want to help develop the 2013 IC Awareness Month campaign. We need activists, writers, graphics, PR, Mktg, political lobbying strategists, etc. etc. If you [...]

By |2013-03-21T15:09:42-07:00March 21st, 2013|Announcements, Facebook Activism|Comments Off on Calling all IC patients! We’re looking for volunteers for our 2013 IC Awareness Month campaign

IC Awareness Daily Fact #13 –

Does your IC flare when you’re having bowel discomfort? In the September 2008 article, Pepperoni Pizza: How the bowel Can Trigger Bladder Pain, researchers found that when the bowel becomes irritated, the bladder shows signs of irritation as well. IC and IBS are well-known related conditions though researchers are still struggling to figure out the [...]

By |2012-09-13T18:40:17-07:00September 13th, 2012|Announcements, Daily Facts|Comments Off on IC Awareness Daily Fact #13 –
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