ICN Medical Records KitsIC patients should keep track of their diagnostic tests, treatments and physician appointments so that they can discuss their medical history with new physicians. There’s nothing worse than being asked “what tests did you have?” or “what treatments did you try?” only to respond “I don’t know.” Yes, you might have had a bladder instillation but don’t you think that you should know what was placed inside your bladder? Not all bladder instillations are the same!

How to do it? You can track your tests in a binder easily. Whether it be a simple urine culture or a hydrodistention with cystoscopy, record:

(1) the date of the test
(2) the procedure or test performed
(3) the name of the person recording the test
(4) the results
(5) save any documentation that discusses the results, such as pictures of the bladder, bladder capacity, the name of bacteria found, etc. etc.

Tracking treatments is also essential so that you know what works, what doesn’t work, side effects and, of course, the results. For every treatment, record:

(1) the name of the treatment or drug
(2) the name of the person who prescribed the treatment
(3) the dosage suggested and how long you are supposed to take it
(4) the date you started the medication
(5) the date you stopped using the medication
(6) why you stopped using the medication
(7) did any side effects occur?

If you want a more organized folder, you can download the ICN Medical Records file which has forms that you can photocopy to use for each appointment and treatment. Find it at: https://www.icnsales.com/icn-medical-records-file/

However you do it, you will appear much more responsible and prepared if you take the time to organize your records and history.