Proclamation Campaign

A proclamation is used to raise awareness for public concerns and issues. Your city council, county government, state officials and/or US Senators or Representatives can issue proclamations to honor IC awareness and advocacy. Please join us by urging your city, county or state government to adopt and issue the IC Awareness Month Proclamation to help us raise awareness of the needs of patients.

TO DO: Download our ready to go proclamation and send it with a personal letter to your local representative and ask them if they would issue a proclamation to honor those patients struggling with IC in your community. Send us a copy of what they issue!

Download the 2013 proclamation here

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IC Awareness Month Proclamation

Whereas, 3 to 8 million women in the USA and 1 to 4 million men of all ages suffer the devastating effects of this chronic pelvic pain disorder; and

Whereas, many physicians are unaware of the symptoms and effects of interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome, causing patients to suffer for years before they obtain a correct diagnosis and medical treatment; and

Whereas, medical research efforts into interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome have yet to discover the cause nor cure for this disabling medical condition and federal research money has been severely reduced; and

Whereas, there is a critical need to educate and support individuals and families affected by interstitial cystitis;

Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that September 2013 is hereby designed as Interstitial Cystitis Awareness Month during which patients, support groups and organizations call for increases in public and private sector funding for medical research, targeted educational programs for health professionals, patients and the public and recognition of urological disorders as a significant public health issue.

Proclaimed This Day, 1 September 2013


City of Santa Rosa Proclamation